Twitter mercilessly lampoons Jeb Bush after 'macho' gun post - Daily Mail
Feb 24, 2019
Donald Trump's official siteThe Trump camp denies all knowledge of the prank See more of the latest news on the Republican presidential candidates ByJames Wilkinson For Daily Mail Online Published: 03:11 GMT, 17 February 2016 Updated: 11:22 GMT, 17 February 2016Jeb Bush has been struggling with internet pranksters today, with a botched Tweet and a website squatter frustrating his attempts to woo South Carolina voters during a key part of his campaign.Earlier today, Bush's Twitter account posted a picture of a pistol with 'Gov. Jeb Bush' — a reference to his position of Governor of Florida, which he held from 1999-2007 — engraved on the top of its barrel, and a single word: 'America'.That was all the internet needed: the post was met with an avalanche of parodies mocking Bush's public image and the post's macho tone. Off target: Bush's original post appeared to be trying to impress gun-loving South Carolina voters, but was quickly co-opted for humor by Twitter usersMany users ran with the weapon angle, posting up images of fictional weapons of war with equally fictional locations. @JohnJosephAdams posted toy lightsaber from Star Wars, with the name of the planet 'Tattooine', while @GarciaHortolano offered Harry Potter's magic wand, with 'Hogwarts', the name of Potter's wizarding school.And @DavidOMahoney went for a shot from the movie 300, alongside 'Sparta' — echoing Gerard Butler's cry of 'This is Sparta!' from the movie. Lampoon: One user switched Trump's gun for a Star Wars lightsaber, and name-checked Luke Skywalker's home planet of Tattooine Magic: A wand from Harry Potter's school of Hogwarts was offered up as an alternative to Bush's pistol Kicking off: Another user drew on the famous 'This is Sparta' scene from the movie 300, turning Gerard Butler's war cry into a glib jokeOthers edited the image itself, replacing the former Florida governor's name with sarcastic text...
British tourist Patrick Molloy drowns as he tries to escape gang in Thailand - Daily Mail
Feb 24, 2019
Patrick Molloy, 28, from Cambridge, leapt into the water in Pattaya, eastern Thailand, alongside friends James Wilks, 29, and Jerry Robson, 30, after they were chased through a restaurant by several Thai men wielding knives and sticks after an argument the previous night.The argument is reported to have started in the early hours of Sunday, when a group of five or six Thai men confronted them at an all-night disco called Marine 2 Discoteque.The three Brits were seen running through Tankay Seafood Restaurant, on the beach-front and jump into the water, all swimming away in different directions.Mr Wilks managed to find refuge on a yacht while Mr Robson was pulled from the water by a local fisherman.Meanwhile, Mr Malloy had grabbed the rope of a passing banana boat but witnesses said he passed out, lost his grip and drowned.His body was found floating in the water around 300 metres from the shore.A local fisherman attempted in vain to revive him but he was pronounced dead at the scene.Mr Malloy's friends were in said to be in shock today as police took statements from them in a bid to identify the men they were running from.The trio reportedly jetted to the paradise isle days after Mr Molloy completed an 18-week jail sentence for a violent assault outside a bar. Shock: James Wilks, 29 is restrained aboard in a boat after being picked up in the sea. They were said to be running from a gang who accused them of trashing a hotel room Tragic: Jerry Robson, 30, aboard a boat after being picked up in the sea by fishermenHe was convicted in August of attacking another man outside Unique bar in Newmarket, Suffolk.Bury St Edmunds Magistrates' Court heard Molloy had numerous previous convictions for offences including assault, public order offences, affray, and grievous and actual bodily harm.A Foreign Office spokesman said: 'We can confirm the death of a British national on December 2 in Pattaya, Thailand. ...
Florida parents accused of neglecting girl's rotten teeth - Daily Mail
Feb 24, 2019
Graham For Published: 13:25 GMT, 9 November 2017 Updated: 21:17 GMT, 9 November 2017The parents of a Florida girl suffering from problems with 17 rotten teeth are facing child abuse charges for failing to get her treatment.Jeremie Ervin Maloy, 31, and Cynthia Grace Maloy, 32, appeared in court near Panama City on Monday on a charge of child neglect, The Panama City News Herald reported. The couple were arrested last week after an investigation conducted by the Bay County Sheriff's Office that began in January found that they had been notified about their daughter desperately needing her teeth extracted, but they still didn't seek treatment. Jeremie Ervin Maloy (left), 31, and Cynthia Grace Maloy (right), 32, the parents of a Florida girl suffering from problems with 17 rotten teeth, are facing child abuse charges for failing to get her treatment The couple were arrested last week after an investigation conducted by the Bay County Sheriff's Office that began in January found that they had been notified about their daughter desperately needing her teeth extracted, but they still didn't seek treatmentSeveral times, school officials went to the home to offer transportation to tend to the girl's dental needs. 'On each of these visits, (school officials) offered to arrange transportation for the Maloys to tend to the child's dental needs,' officers wrote in a report. 'The Maloys never took advantage of this offer for the sake of the child, but Cynthia Maloy did ask for rides to the nearby dollar store to buy cigarettes and food.' A sheriff's report says the child arrived at school in 2016 with 'severely decayed teeth' and her adult teeth had 'begun to grow in and overlap her rotten, ruptured teeth.' A sheriff's report says the child arrived at school in 2016 with 'severely decayed teeth' and her adult teeth had 'begun to grow in and overlap her rotten, ruptured teeth...